Table 3. Effect of source factors on remission of candidiasis.
Num DF | Den DF | F Value | Pr > F | |
Baseline and washout | 3 | 61 | 4.51 | 0.0064 |
Treatment | 3 | 61 | 4.44 | 0.0069 |
Order | 3 | 61 | 0.52 | 0.6691 |
Sequence | 3 | 20 | 0.74 | 0.5412 |
Num DF and Den DF: Degrees of freedom used in determining the F values.
Pr > F: p-value associated with the F value of the statistical test. The null hypothesis the specified canonical correlations are equal to zero is evaluated with regard to this p-value. The null hypothesis is rejected if the p-value is less than the specified alpha level (0.05).
F Value - F Value - Test the hypothesis that both canonical correlations are equal to zero in the sample.