Figure 2. Vulnerability to ventricular arrhythmias: Representative surface (top panel) and intracardiac (bottom panel).
ECG recordings of electrical ventricular stimulation of WT and Mpo-/- mice after (A) ischemia and 7 days of reperfusion (I/R) and (B) 21 days upon permanent ischemia (PI). (C) Number of episodes of ventricular tachycardia (VT) and (D) total time of VT after I/R and PI. (E) Representative ECG recordings of WT and CD11b-/- mice after ischemia following 2 days of reperfusion. (F) Number of VT episodes and (G) total time of VT in WT and CD11b-/- mice after ischemia following 2 days of reperfusion. sham: n=4; C, D: WT / Mpo-/- I/R n=8/9; WT / Mpo-/- PI n=6/11; F, G: sham n=11/4, WT / CD11b-/- I/R n=9/8.
Analysis of ventricular tachycardia 24 hrs after LAD-ligation: (H) Representative ECG-traces recorded by telemetry investigations (for 2 hrs) before (left panel) and 24 hrs after LAD-ligation and two Isoproterenol injections (2 mg/kg BW) (middle panel) in WT and Mpo-/- animals. Magnification of the highlighted section is shown in the right panel. Analyses of (I) VT probability, (J) onset of VT, (K) mean number of VT episodes and (L) mean time of VT episodes in WT and Mpo-/- animals. n=10/10. *=P<0.05, **=P<0.01, ***=P<0.001, by Kruskal Wallis test followed by Bonferroni post hoc test. (I) Chi-square test. (J) Log-rank test.