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. 2017 Jun 1;144(11):2082–2091. doi: 10.1242/dev.149930

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.

Foxf2 promotes cNCC proliferation. (A) cNCCs were cultured with or without SHH ligand and with or without vismodegib (Vis). SHH ligand caused cNCCs to proliferate, which was blocked by addition of vismodegib (n=4). (B) Transient overexpression of full-length FOXF2 resulted in a significant increase in cell number relative to control (transfected with empty pEVRF0) (n=4). Inset shows FOXF2 expression relative to Gapdh in pEVRF0 (control) and FOXF2-overexpressing cells (n=4). (C) In cNCCs with stable overexpression of an empty pLenti vector, SHH ligand stimulation caused a significant increase in cell number. In cNCCs with stable overexpression of a dominant-negative form of FOXF2 (dnFOXF2), the change in cell number following SHH ligand stimulation was not statistically significant (P=0.09, n=4). Inset shows dnFOXF2 expression relative to Gapdh in pLenti (control) and dnFOXF2-overexpressing cells (n=4). Mean±s.e.m. cell count is shown. *P<0.05 (two-tailed t-test).