Elution profile of FraC on a Superdex column. (a) Chromatographic profile of WT FraC (black line) and mutein W112R/W116F (red line). The arrows point at the position of the void volume (V0), the volume of FraC in the absence of interactions (Vnon), the total volume (Vtotal) and the elution volume of FraC (V) as given in equation (2.1). (b) SEC profile of FraC in the presence of increasing amounts of POC (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 mM). (c) Plot of 1/(V–Vnon) as a function of the concentration of POC. The black line corresponds to the fitted line from equation (2.1). The regression coefficient is also given in the figure (R2 = 0.986).