Fig. 6.
Contribution of VGSC and VGCC to the OMP change in response to nsPEF of increasing amplitude. Experiments were performed in: (A) standard Tyrode solution; (B) Tyrode solution composed without CaCl2; (C) Tyrode solution with 4 μM tetrodotoxin (TTX); and (D) both without CaCl2 and with 4 μM TTX. Each experiment included six OMP recording trials (193 ms, 450 frames each), with a stimulus of indicated amplitude (kV/cm) applied at 50 ms (arrow). The interval between trials was always 1 min. Shown are the mean traces +/− s.e. (for clarity, error bars are drawn for each 10th datapoint only). Note the inhibition of the early depolarization peak by TTX and somewhat larger depolarization response in the 0 Ca2+ solution. See text for more details.