Liver injury induced in 7/16-5 × HBc(lo) double-Tg mice is moderated by serum HBeAg. Groups of six 7/16-5 × HBe(lo) double-Tg, 7/16-5 × HBc(lo) double-Tg, and 7/16-5 × HBe(lo) × HBc(lo) triple-Tg mice were injected at time zero with p129-140 (100 μg) (CFA) and again at 2 months (50 μg) (incomplete Freund adjuvant). At multiple intervals, 2 to 3 mice from each group were bled and individual sera were analyzed for ALT elevation. sALT was considered elevated above 100 U/liter. Frequencies of sALT elevations in each group during months 1, 2, and 4 are shown. The numbers above the bars depict the absolute number of sera demonstrating heightened ALT values per total number of sera tested in a given time frame. *, P < 0.01 versus 7/16-5 × HBe(lo) and 7/16-5 × HBe(lo) × HBc(lo) groups (unpaired t test).