1837 |
T. Hart of the Park Street School of Medicine in Dublin described the first case of a pericardial diverticulum on autopsy16
1903 |
Rohn, from the Charles University of Prague first published a case series comprising of four diverticula and one cyst based on autopsy finding of these lesions. The interrelationship between pericardial diverticulum and cyst sharing a common embryonic origin was first recognised in this case series.23
1931 |
Wallace Yater (Georgetown University) detailed the radiological appearance and the differential diagnosis of pericardial cysts25
1931 |
Otto Pickhardt, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York performed first surgical removal of pericardial cyst15
1937 |
First pneumogram of pericardial cyst was performed by E. H. Cushing26
1940 |
Adrian Lambert first suggested similar embryological origin of pericardial cyst and diverticula from disconnected mesenchymal lacunae, which later unite to form the pericardial coelom27
1943 |
First resection of a pericardial diverticulum by Richard Sweet at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston29
1943 |
Greenfield et al introduced the term ‘Springwater cyst’17
1958 |
Le Roux reported the incidence of three cases of pericardial cysts in 300,000 people in a mass X-ray campaign in Edinburgh14