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. 2017 Mar 6;69(3):364–370. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2017.02.021

Table 3.

Imaging modalities in pericardial cyst.

CT scan5, 47, 50, 51
  • Characteristics: Single thin-walled, sharply defined, oval homogeneous masses without septation or solid component. No enhancement with intravenous contrast

  • Advantage:

 Lack of motion artefact- clear and sharp image
 Short acquisition time
  • Disadvantage:

 Erroneous reporting if protein content of fluid is increased. E.g., Infection, hemorrhage
 Lack of functional assessment
 Hypersensitivity reaction to iodinated contrast
 Need for breath holding
Cardiac MRI47, 23
  • Characteristics: Intermediate- to low-intensity signal on T1-weighted sequences and high-signalintensity on T2-weighted sequences. No enhancement with intravenous contrast

  • Advantage:

 Excellent soft tissue architecture
 Time consuming
 High cost
 Altered signalling if cyst protein content is high
 Calcification less well visualised
Echocardiography31, 49
  • Characteristics: A homogeneous echolucent mass with minor attenuation of the ultrasound through a low-density fluid-filled structure. There also exists an echo-free space indicating its separation from the cardiac chambers.

  • Advantage:

 Low cost
 May be performed on unstable patients
 Diagnostic modality for follow up and image guided percutaneous aspiration
  • Disadvantage:

 Limited windows, narrow field of view
 Technical difficulties in case of obesity, obstructive lung disease or immediately post- cardiothoracic surgery
 Localisation of cyst at uncommon location difficult
 Operator dependent