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. 2017 Jul;155:191–199. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2016.10.009

Table 1.

Revenue and cost statistics for analysis of Camelina adoption based on 2007 agricultural census data for winter wheat-fallow system and representative budget data and yield experimental data for Camelina.

Farm size Wheat yield
Wheat revenue
Other crops revenue ($/farm) Wheat and other crops cost ($/farm) Govt. subsidies ($/farm) Camelina yield (lbs/acre) Camelina revenue ($/farm) Camelina cost ($/farm)
System 1 (Winter wheat - fallow rotation)
Large Mean 50 473,095 15,341 273,879 60,744
Std Dev 15 206,054 15,427 199,556 33,640
Small Mean 51 65,360 4921 69,219 12,827
Std Dev 18 42,245 10,626 55,755 8887

System 2 (Winter wheat - Camelina rotation)
Large Mean 32 307,512 15,341 273,879 60,744 1400 532,000 284,050
Std Dev 50 133,935 15,427 199,556 33,640 n.a. 231,710 123,716
Small Mean 33 65,360 4921 69,219 12,827 1400 98,000 87,500
Std Dev 12 27,459 10,626 55,755 8887 n.a. 41,172 36,761

Note: mean large farm size = 4170 acres, mean small farm size 720 acres.