Construction of MSG lines. (A) Schematic representation of enhancer-trap line J2341 that drives GAL4 expression and expression of a linked ER-GFP by means of GAL4 UASs. (B) J2341 was transformed with a vector carrying UAS::1×sGFP or UAS::2×sGFP to create MSG1 and MSG2. (C–F) Expression of ER-GFP and sGFP movement in the shoot apex of 4-dpg seedlings in J2341 (C), control apices from plants containing UAS::sGFP only (D), MSG1 (E), and MSG2 (F) lines. co, cotyledon; h, hypocotyl. Arrows indicate dome-shaped emerging leaf primordia. Red indicates chlorophyll autofluorescence, and green indicates GFP signal captured by epifluorescence microscopy.