Figure 1.
Alignment of amino-acid sequences of the six chitin-binding lectins investigated in this work. Hevein, constituting a sole proto-type lectin, is shown as a reference. The sequences are of UDA6 isolectin (GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number AAD05433) for UDA, PLC isolectin (AB052963) for PWM, WGA1 isolectin (UniProtKB accession number, P10968) for WGA (categorized as tandem-repeat type), LEL (AB360604), DSA-B isolectins (AB618634) for DSA, and STL (Q9S8M0; categorized as chimera type). Bold arrows on the top denote the regions of β-strands. Schematic representations are made for each lectin on the right, where four amino-acid residues essential for chito-oligosaccharide-binding in hevein, i.e., Ser (S), two Trp (W), and Tyr (Y) are shown in each hevein domain shown with a gray box. The extensin-like, function-unknown domain is shown with a black bar.