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. 2009 Apr 23;20(2):151–183. doi: 10.1007/s12110-009-9062-8

Table 3.

Relative mate value and differential work effort. Part A assesses the relationship between husband’s (H) [wife’s (W)] mate value relative to other men [women] and (A1) the amount of time those husbands and wives engaged in work activities, and (A2) the relative amount of work engaged by husbands and wives within unions. Part B assesses the relationship between the relative mate value of spouses within unions and the same two sets of measures of time spent in work activities described for Part A. The statistically significant results are highlighted in bold, and those significant results that run counter to prediction are in italics. All numbers are standardized parameter estimates (β)

A. Mate value compared with same-sex individuals
 A1. H work time (age control) W work time (age control)
Direct Work Indirect Work Food Prod Total Work Direct Work Indirect Work Food Prod Total Work
  Ton’tumsi (n = 45)
   H’s mate value −0.190 −0.089 −0.374** −0.244 −0.274 0.305* −0.294 0.127
   W’s mate value −0.009 −0.041 0.157 −0.032 0.058 −0.091 0.095 −0.059
  Micdyiĉa (n = 25)
   H’s mate value 0.281 −0.027 0.357 0.256 −0.247 −0.008 −0.178 −0.261
   W’s mate value 0.091 −0.128 0.078 0.001 0.134 −0.284 0.152 −0.170
 A2. Ratio of husband to wife work time (age control)
Direct Work Indirect Work Dir/Ind Food Prod Total Work
  Ton’tumsi (n = 45)
   H’s mate value 0.004 −0.290 0.169 −0.024 −0.230
   W’s mate value 0.001 0.047 −0.072 0.094 −0.037
  Micdyiĉa (n = 25)
   H’s mate value 0.428 0.056 0.375 0.360 0.502*
   W’s mate value −0.552* −0.180 −0.469 −0.457 −0.058
B. Mate value compared between spouses within marital unions
 B1. H work time (age control) SM W work time (age control)
  H/W mate value Direct Work Indirect Work Food Prod Total Work Direct Work Indirect Work Food Prod Total Work
  Ton’tumsi (n = 45) −0.043 −0.005 −0.244 −0.045 −0.131 0.225 −0.149 0.155
  Micdyiĉa (n = 25) 0.021 0.057 0.054 0.059 −0.135 0.128 −0.110 −0.001
 B2. Ratio of husband to wife work time (age control)
  H/W mate value Direct Work Indirect Work Dir/Ind Food Prod Total Work
   Ton’tumsi (n = 45) −0.011 −0.144 0.075 −0.136 −0.112
   Micdyiĉa (n = 25) 0.388 * 0.209 0.311 0.315 0.200

p < 0.1, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01