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. 2005 Jan 20;24(3):439–451. doi: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600552

Table 1.

Crystallographic data and refinement statistics

  Native Mg·ATP Native SUMO Mg·ATP Native/ATP Hg/ATP
PDB ID 1Y8Q 1Y8R    
Source APS 31ID APS 31ID X4A X4A
Wavelength (Å) 0.9790 0.9790 1.008 1.008
Resolution limits (Å) 20–2.2 20–2.75 20–2.5 20–2.8
Space group P21 P212121 P21 P21
Unit cell (Å) a, b, c, α, β, γ 101.2, 116.7, 106.1, 90, 112.7, 90 117.1, 214.1, 100.7, 90, 90, 90 101.2, 116.7, 106.0, 90, 112.6, 90 101.8, 116.6, 105.6, 90, 112.6, 90
Number of observations 351 595 727 056 310 888 236 755
Number of reflections 108 617 67 058 74 210 104 523a
Completeness (%) 97.3 (92.7) 93.4 (75.9) 98.5 (97.0) 96.3 (92.8)
Mean II 16.4 (2.6) 9.7 (3.0) 6.2 (1.5) 4.3 (1.0)
Rmerge on Ib 7.1 (43.5) 15.0 (48.4) 13.2 (57.7) 17.8 (84.1)
Cutoff criteria II −0.5 −0.7 −0.5 −1.0
Number of sites       12
MFID (%)c       18.6
Mean FOM (SOLVE)d     0.15 (acentric)/0.21 (centric)
FOM (RESOLVE with NCS)     0.50 (acentric)/0.61 (centric)
Refinement statistics        
Resolution limits (Å) 20–2.25 20–2.75    
Number of reflections 104 390 63 543    
Completeness (%) 97.0 (93.2) 94.9 (84.3)    
Cutoff criteria II 0 0    
Protein/ligand/water atoms 12 935/66/820 14 316/66/317    
Rcryste 0.208 (0.350) 0.220 (0.370)    
Rfree (5% of data) 0.248 (0.371) 0.276 (0.391)    
Bonds (Å)f 0.006 0.009    
Angles (deg)f 1.1 1.2    
B-factors (mc/sc in Å2)f 1.50/2.14 1.4/1.8    
aSIRAS data completeness treats Bijvoët mates independently.
cMFID (mean fractional isomorphous difference)=∑∣∣Fph∣−∣Fp∣∣/∑∣Fp∣, where Fp is the protein structure factor amplitude and ∣Fph∣ is the heavy-atom derivative structure factor amplitude.
dMean FOM=combined figure of merit.
eRcryst=∑hklFo(hkl)−Fc(hkl)∣ /∑hklFo(hkl)∣, where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure factors, respectively.
fValues indicate root-mean-square deviations in bond lengths, bond angles, and B-factors of bonded atoms.
Values in parentheses indicate statistics for the high-resolution data bin.