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. 2017 Jun 27;3(2):00006-2017. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00006-2017


Risk of smoking-related cancer when family members were diagnosed with lung cancer and risk of lung cancer when family members were diagnosed with smoking-related cancer

Cancer site Negative family history One cancer case in the family At least two cancer cases in the family Trend test p-value
Cases RR (95% CI) Cases RR (95% CI)
Risk for discordant cancer
 Upper aerodigestive tract 8025 630 1.39# (1.23–1.57) 42 2.55# (1.61–4.04) <0.0001§
 Oesophagus 2547 195 1.34# (1.17–1.54) 11 2.02+ (1.14–3.57) <0.0001§
 Stomach 5048 358 1.28 (1.08–1.52) 13 1.27 (0.53–3.04) 0.0066§
 Colorectum 33 315 1972 1.07+ (1.01–1.13) 73 1.09 (0.83–1.43) 0.0129§
 Liver 5506 369 1.23 (1.09–1.40) 18 1.62 (0.94–2.82) 0.0004§
 Pancreas 6147 424 1.25# (1.10–1.41) 20 1.59 (0.91–2.77) 0.0002§
 Cervix 8427 497 1.16 (1.05–1.28) 26 1.83 (1.20–2.80) 0.0005§
 Ovary 9406 546 1.07 (0.98–1.17) 18 0.98 (0.61–1.59) 0.1948
 Kidney 8843 583 1.25# (1.14–1.38) 14 0.83 (0.46–1.51) <0.0001§
 Urinary bladder 12 984 894 1.22# (1.09–1.36) 47 1.74+ (1.08–2.80) 0.0002§
 Leukaemia 14 028 587 0.97 (0.89–1.06) 19 0.95 (0.59–1.52) 0.4591
 CUP 8469 663 1.43# (1.25–1.65) 39 2.29 (1.33–3.96) <0.0001§
Risk for lung cancer
 Upper aerodigestive tract 23 775 597 1.40# (1.27–1.55) 5 1.11 (0.38–3.26) <0.0001§
 Oesophagus 24 130 243 1.55# (1.31–1.83) 4 6.59 (1.81–24.00) <0.0001§
 Stomach 23 526 834 1.02 (0.90–1.16) 17 1.27 (0.53–3.06) 0.6576
 Colorectum 22 113 2159 1.07 (1.00–1.14) 105 1.01 (0.76–1.34) 0.0674
 Liver 23 727 639 1.21# (1.09–1.33) 11 2.06 (0.98–4.35) 0.0001§
 Pancreas 23 777 592 1.10 (0.99–1.23) 8 1.24 (0.48–3.22) 0.0831
 Cervix 23 879 494 1.38# (1.23–1.55) 4 1.93 (0.55–6.80) <0.0001§
 Ovary 23 881 492 1.11 (1.00–1.25) 4 0.89 (0.26–3.02) 0.0691
 Kidney 23 701 666 1.17 (1.05–1.31) 10 1.33 (0.56–3.19) 0.0041§
 Urinary bladder 23 290 1061 1.24# (1.12–1.36) 26 1.47 (0.80–2.70) <0.0001§
 Leukaemia 23 820 543 1.03 (0.92–1.15) 14 1.74 (0.88–3.45) 0.4233
 CUP 23 531 835 1.32# (1.21–1.45) 11 1.67 (0.77–3.62) <0.0001§

RR: relative risk; CUP: cancer of unknown primary. #: significantly increased RR at the two-sided 0.1% level; : significantly increased RR at the two-sided 1% level; +: significantly increased RR at the two-sided 5% level; §: statistically significant.