A) Overview of sampling areas in Norway, Finland and Denmark. Abbreviated localities and coordinates are explained and given in Tables 1 and 2. Detection of A. astacus, A. leptodactylus clade III and P. leniusculus are marked with a blue, green and red circle, respectively. Detection of A. leptodactylus clade I have not been included in this figure. None detection of a species is marked with a line. Positive detections with 1 circle is given if the following criteria is fulfilled Ct-value < 41, technical replicate success > 2/4. Detection is quantified if the before mentioned criteria is fulfilled and eDNA concentration is > LOQ. The eDNA concentration levels are grouped into 5 groups with a 10 fold increase, and the LOD and LOQ values found in Figure C and Figure D in S1 File. B) Detection results from Norway. The eDNA concentration levels follows the LOD and LOQ found for the Norwegian and Finnish samples (Figure D in S1 File), with a tenfold increase between levels. C) Detection results from Finland. The eDNA concentration levels follows the LOD and LOQ found for the Finnish and Norwegian samples (Figure D in S1 File), with a tenfold increase between levels. D) Detection results from Denmark. The eDNA concentration levels follows the LOD and LOQ found for the Danish samples (Figure C in S1 File), with a tenfold increase between levels.