Fig 2. Phylogenetic analysis of GmMYBJ3 with other R2R3-MYB TFs.
The tree was constructed using MEGA 7.0 based on the R2 and R3 motifs of the R2R3-MYB TFs. The numbers at the nodes indicate the percentages of bootstrap values from 1000 replications. Gm, Glycine max; Ps, Pisum sativum; Am, Antirrhinum majus; At, Arabidopsis thaliana; Ph, Petunia hybrid; Lj, Lotus japonicas. The GenBank accession numbers of the genes are: GmMYBJ3, KU664645; GmMYBJ2, KC759158.1; GmMYBJ1, KC751453.1; GmMYB92, DQ822903.1; AtMYB60, AF062895.1; SbMYB8, KF008657.1; PsMYB26, Y11105.1; AtMYB96, NP_201053.2; PhMYB3, Z13998.1; AmMYB305, P81391.1; AmMYB340, P81396.1; LjMYB14 [34]; GmMYB39, XP_003538653.3.