Figure 2. Altered mitochondrial fission and fusion dynamics in mtDNA depleted cells.
(A) Immunofluorescence images showing OPA1 (mitochondrial fusion marker in red) and DAPI (nuclei in blue) staining pattern in control, mtDNA depleted (Tfam sh) and CcOIVi1kd C2C12 cells. (B) Primary esophageal epithelial cells derived from Tfam fl/fl mice expressing either Adeno GFP (control) or AdenoL2- Cre (Tfam KO) stained with OPA1 (mitochondrial fusion marker in red) and DAPI (nuclei in blue). (C) Primary esophageal epithelial cells derived from Tfam fl/fl mice expressing either Adeno GFP (control) or AdenoL2- Cre (Tfam KO) stained with DRP1 (mitochondrial fission marker in red) and DAPI (nuclei in blue). (D) Primary esophageal epithelial cells derived from Tfam fl/fl mice expressing either Adeno GFP (control) or AdenoL2- Cre (Tfam KO) treated with or without mDivi1 (10μM, 48h) stained with Texas-Red Phalloidin (red, actin) and DAPI (blue, nuclei). Images are captured under 40x objective of a NIKON E600 microscope.