Figure 5.
Full length IL-33 exacerbates irradiation-induced dermatitis. hK14mIL33tg (K14-IL-33) mice were locally irradiated with four single fractions of 12 Gy (cumulative dose of 48 Gy, 6 MV, right ear). This procedure was performed at days 1, 3, 5, and 7 and dermatitis (A) (K14-IL-33 n = 15, WT n = 10) and ear thickness (B) (K14-IL-33 n = 7, WT n = 5) measured as indicated. Two 2 × 2 ANOVAs, each incorporating time as a within-subjects characteristic (difference between first measurement at day 2 and the last measurement at day 25) and group assignment as a between-subjects characteristic (control mice vs. K14 IL33 mice) suggested a significant interaction of time and group assignment for ear thickness (p = 0.016) and a near significant result in view of the clinical score (p = 0.056). These results were retrieved besides the significant single effect of time in both models (p ≤ 0.002).