Figure 8.
The role of JO-A neurons in the sound-evoked behavior. (A) Tetanus toxin (TNT) expression pattern of iav>TNT, iav>IMPTNT, and R74C10>TNT. TNT and IMPTNT expression was labeled with anti-TNT antibodies (green signals). Brain (Left) and Johnston's organ in the antennal second segment (Right) are shown. Neuropils in brains and nuclei of JO neurons in antennae were labeled with nc82 antibodies and ant-ELAV antibodies, respectively (magenta signals). A, anterior; D, dorsal; M, medial. (B–G) The chain index in response to an artificial pulse song when iav (B), R74C10 (C), JO21 (D), JO22 (E), R18F04 (F), and R88B12 neurons (G) are silenced, respectively. (Top) Red and gray traces show the time-course of the chain index of experimental (TNT, red) and control (IMPTNT, gray) flies, respectively. Sound playback starts at 5 min. Thick lines and shadows represent mean ± standard deviation. Time windows for two temporal phases (before and after) are indicated in gray and black horizontal lines. (Bottom) Increases from the temporal phase “before” to that of “after” are plotted. Each point indicates the increase in each experiment. Box plots show median (solid horizontal line), 50th percentile (box outline), and 90th percentile (whiskers) values.