Composition of the pockets of Anpl-UAA*01. Pockets are shown as surface representations in light pink. Residues comprising these pockets (light pink) and the bound peptide RLI9 (C, olive; N, blue; O, red) are labeled. The hydrogen bonds between RLI9 and pockets are shown as red dashed lines. (A) Pocket A with the P1-Arg. (B) Pocket B with the P2-Leu. (C) Pocket C with the P6-Ser. The additional disulfide bond are shown as thick sticks and colored by atom type (C, red; N, blue; O, red; S, yellow). (D) Pocket D with the P3-Ile. (E) Pocket E with the P7-Ile. (F) Pocket F with the PC-Ile.