FIG 8.
Neutralization of hVLPs by a panel of bnAbs. Results are shown for a comparison of neutralization sensitivities to bnAbs between V1 and V4 VLPs (A) as well as between V1 and standard pseudovirions generated in 293T cells (293T VLPs) (B). The estimated fold change in the IC50 between 293T VLPs and V4 VLPs shown in panel B (*) was calculated using IC50s from two independent experiments, both of which included V1 VLPs, as follows: fold change in IC50 = (IC50 293T VLPs/IC50 V1 VLPsexperiment B)/(IC50 V4 VLPs/IC50 V1 VLPsexperiment A). na, not applicable (the fold change in IC50 could not be calculated because the antibodies did not reach an IC50 at the highest or lowest concentration tested); sCD4, soluble CD4.