Binding of CmeR to the variant cmeABC promoter DNA. The serial numbers of CmeR-Box sequence variants are listed in Table 2. The tested promoters included conserved CmeR-Box (variation types 1 [A] and 2 [B]), point substitutions (variation types 3 [C], 4 [D], 7 [E], 8 [F], and 10 [G]), point deletion (variation type 11 [H]), and point insertion (variation type 12 [I]). Considering that the CmeR-Box is an inverted repeat, we chose variation type 3 to represent point substitution at the second position of the forward or inverted repeat in our test. +++, all of the DNA was bound; ++, some of the DNA was bound; +, little DNA was bound; −, none of the DNA was bound.