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. 2017 Jun 13;3(2):e35. doi: 10.2196/publichealth.5939

Table 4.

Classification evaluation using a random sample of 200 tweets (100 containing the keyword “stress” and 100 containing the keyword “relax”) from New York in dataset 2.

Classification SVM (linear kernel)
Acca (%) Senb (%) Specc (%) PPVd (%)
Stress vs nonstress 75.0 76.7 70.4 87.5
Relaxation vs nonrelaxation 66.0 67.4 57.1 90.6
First-hand vs nonfirst-hand experience stress 68.0 44.0 92.0 84.6
First-hand vs nonfirst-hand experience relaxation 92.0 87.5 100.0 100.0

aAcc: accuracy.

bSen: sensitivity.

cSpec: specificity.

dPPV: positive predictive value.