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. 2016 Nov 14;31(7):2731–2742. doi: 10.1007/s00464-016-5318-7

Table 2.

Biliary tract visualization per dosage scheme

 Study n Adm. timing (mins) CD before CD after CBD before CBD after CHD before CHD after
Biliary tract visualization with a 2.5-mg fixed dosage of ICG n (%)
 Ishazawa [16] 52 30 52 (100) 52 (100) 50 (96.2) 52 (100)
 Ishazawa [31] 7 15a 5 (71.4) 7 (100)
 Buchs [26] 12 45 11 (91.7) 12 (100) 6 (50) 10 (83.3) 4 (33.3) 8 (66.7)
 Schols [37] 30 15a 29 (96.7) 25 (83.3)
 Spinoglio [38] 45 45 42 (93.3) 44 (97.8) 41 (91.1) 44 (97.8) 40 (88.9) 44 (97.8)
 Osayi [35] 82 74 46 (56.1) 78 (95.1) 31 (37.8) 63 (76.8) 29 (35.4) 57 (69.5)
 Kono [33] 108 88 (81.5) 103 (95.4) 94 (87.0) 100 (92.6)
 Weighted mean % (95% CI) 86.5 (71.2–96.6) 96.5 (93.9–98.4) 67.3 (35.5–92.1) 86.6 (67.1–98.0) 76.8 (51.2–94.7) 88.9 (73.5–98.2)
Biliary tract visualization with a 0.05-mg per kg bodyweight dosage of ICG n (%)
 Kaneko [32] 28 15 26 (92.8) 27 (96.4)
 Dip [30] 65 60 50 (76.9) 65 (100) 50 (76.9) 65 (100)
 Dip [29] 45 60 44 (97.8)b 36 (80.0)b 27 (60.0)b
 Larsen [34] 35 15a
 van Dam [40] 30 15a 10 (33.3) 29 (96.7) 20 (66.7) 26 (86.7)
 Dip [28] 71 60 71 (100) 62 (87.3) 50 (70.4)
 Weighted mean % (95% CI) 85.2 (60.2–98.9) 98.4 (92.4–99.9) 78.7 (70.3–86.0) 95.3 (73.4–99.0) 76.6 (54.5–92.9)

Visualization per dosage group. Number of biliary structure identifications n (% proportion) before and after dissection of Calot’s triangle. Timing of ICG administration is equal (average 37.3 and 37.5 min before surgery) for both groups

ICG indocyanine green, timing timing of administration, mins minutes, CD cystic duct, CBD common bile duct, CHD common hepatic duct

aICG administration after anaesthesia

bBiliary structure identification before and during dissection