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. 2017 Apr 21;34(6):1349–1363. doi: 10.1007/s12325-017-0526-7

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and disease baseline features

Variable Cohort 1: fertile women Cohort 2: age-matched men (to fertile women) Cohort 3: postmenopausal women Cohort 4: age-matched men (to postmenopausal women)
N 336 253 182 118
Age (years), mean (SD) 35.56 (9.03)

(p = 0.039)§

37.06 (8.78)

57.13 (5.68)

(p = 0.011)#

55.46 (6.07)

Age group, n
 18–34 151 94 0 0
 35–44 124 110 1 1
 45–54 60 48 58 46
 55+ 1 1 123 71
Education, n (%)* (p = 0.099)§ (p = 0.234)#
 None 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (1.1) 1 (0.8)
 Primary school 8 (2.4) 10 (4.0) 35 (19.2) 15 (12.7)
 Lower secondary 90 (26.8) 79 (31.2) 62 (34.1) 51 (43.2)
 Upper secondary 175 (52.1) 133 (52.6) 60 (33.0) 40 (33.9)
 Bachelor degree 54 (16.1) 25 (9.9) 18 (9.9) 8 (6.8)
Caucasian race, N (%) 328 (97.6%)

(p = 0.395)§

243 (96.0%)

178 (97.8%)

(p = 0.453)#

117 (99.2%)

Age at diagnosis (years), mean (SD) 23.81 (10.59)

(p = 0.371)§

24.87 (10.18)

40.85 (13.61)

(p = 0.813)#

40.74 (13.01)

Disease duration (years), mean (SD) 12.13 (10.08)

(p = 0.366)§

12.58 (9.11)

16.75 (12.97)

(p = 0.120)#

15.12 (10.82)

PASI at enrollment, n (%)* (p = 0. 836)§ (p = 0.272)#
 ≤20 258 (84.6) 192 (83.5) 132 (81.5) 90 (80.4)
 21–29 35 (11.5) 30 (13.0) 22 (13.6) 20 (17.9)
 ≥30 12 (3.9) 8 (3.5) 8 (4.9) 2 (1.8)
Months from CSA start, mean (SD) 40.76 (42.19)

(p = 0.772)§

41.58 (39.97)

48.39 (52.60)

(p = 0.140)#

37.74 (47.02)

No. of previous CSA cycles, mean (SD; min–max) 2.09 (1.71; 1–10)

(p = 0.684)§

2.19 (2.07; 1–14)

1.98 (1.44; 1–7)

(p = 0.0684)#

2.60 (2.08; 1–10)

No. of days of CSA treatment, mean (SD) 130.00 (54.13)

(p = 0.009)§

141.40 (51.28)

122.59 (54.62)

(p = 0.007)#

140.0 (54.89)

The t test for equal variances was considered for continuous variables, Chi-squared test for categorical variables

* Percentages are computed on the basis on patients with available data

§Fertile women vs. age-matched men (to fertile women)

#Postmenopausal women vs. age-matched men (to postmenopausal women)