Table 3.
Parameter estimates and their uncertainty for the final tumor size, dropout, diastolic blood pressure, and overall survival models
Parameter | Estimate (RSE%) | IIV %CV (RSE%) |
Tumor size model | ||
KG (week−1) | 0.00361 (1.8) | 160 (20) |
ksVEGFR‐3 (week−1) | −0.174 (15) | — |
λ (week−1) | 0.101 (18) | 72 (16) |
RUV (%) | 10.5 (8.2) | 35 (21) |
Dropout model | ||
θ0 | −6.11 (7.4) | — |
θPD | 1.22 (22) | — |
θSLD (mm−1) | 0.00282 (31) | — |
θAUC (L·h−1·μg−1) | −0.00529 (18) | — |
θTime (day−1) | 0.00371 (45) | — |
Diastolic blood pressure model | ||
dBP0 (mmHg) | 78.9 (1.4) | 6.7 (12) |
ShapedBP0 | −5.42 (42) | — |
MRTdBP (days) | 4.92 (19) | — |
Emax,dBP | 0.197 (14) | — |
S0,dBP (L·h−1·μg−1) | 0.00127 (50)a | — |
RUV (mmHg) | 6.13 (7.0) | — |
Overall survival model | ||
β0 | 7.09 (3.2) | — |
γ | 0.298 (22) | — |
βSLD (mm−1) | 0.0115 (17) | — |
KG, tumor growth rate constant; ksVEGFR‐3, tumor size reduction rate constant related to soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (sVEGFR‐3) response, which is negative since sVEGFR‐3rel(t) is negative (reduction from baseline); λ, tumor resistance/regrowth appearance rate constant; RUV, residual unexplained variability; θ0, intercept of the logistic regression model; θPD, coefficient for the effect of occurrence of progressive disease; θSLD, coefficient for the effect of sum of longest diameters (SLD) at the time of evaluation; θAUC, coefficient for the effect of axitinib daily area under the curve (AUCdaily); θTime, coefficient for the effect of time since start of study; dBP0, baseline diastolic blood pressure; ShapedBP0, shape parameter in the Box‐Cox transformation of dBP0 random effects; MRTdBP, mean residence time of dBP response; Emax,dBP, maximum axitinib effect on diastolic blood pressure; S0,dBP, slope of the Emax model; β0, scale parameter of the log‐logistic baseline hazard model; γ, shape parameter of the log‐logistic baseline hazard model; βSLD, coefficient for the effect of longitudinal SLD on the hazard.
The 95% confidence interval obtained from sampling importance resampling was 0.609–3.14 μg·h/L.