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. 2016 Nov 29;47(7):1317–1333. doi: 10.1007/s40279-016-0650-6

Table 5.

Prevalence of insomnia symptomatology and changes in sleep patterns pre-competition

Study Sport Competition (home/away) n Sex Mean age, y (SD) Prevalence of insomnia symptoms (%) PSQI global mean (SD) Δ Sleep patterns and sleep quality
 Romyn et al. [52] Netball National championships 8 F 19.6 (1.5) NR NR
 Richmond et al. [40] ARF AFL match (home) 19 M 24.1 (3.3) NR NR NR
 Richmond et al. [39] ARF AFL match (home) 10 M 23.0 (2.0) NR NR NR
 Shearer et al. [56] Rugby Union Celtic League match (home) 28 M 24.4 (2.9) NR NR
 Fowler et al. [78] Football A-League match (home) 6 M 23.4 (NR) NR NR
 Chennaoui et al. [77]a Swimming National championships 9 M + F 22.0 (3.0) NR NR NR NR
 Elbayoumy and Elbayoumy [79]b Swimming National championships 40 M 19.0 (1.0) NR 5 (1) NR NR NR NR
 Swinbourne et al. [63]b Team sports In competition 75 M + F NR NR 6 (3) NR NR NR NR
 Silva and Paiva [76]b,c Gymnastics FIG World Cup 67 F 18.7 (2.9) 78 7 (3) NR NR NR b
 Rodrigues et al. [74]d Para-athletics Paralympic Games 40 M + F 30.1 (7.1) 37 NR NR NR NR NR
 Silva et al. [80]d Para-athletics Paralympic Games 27 M + F 28.0 (6.0) 70 NR NR NR NR NR
 Erlacher et al. [37]e Multi-sports Important competition 632 M + F 21.9 (6.8) 66 NR NR NR NR NR
 Juliff et al. [38]b,e Multi-sports Olympic Games 283 M + F 24.0 (5.0) 64 NR NR NR NR NR

AFL Australian Football League, ARF Australian Rules Football, F female, FIG International Federation of Gymnastics, M male, NR not reported, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, SD standard deviation, SE sleep efficiency, SOL sleep onset latency, SQ sleep quality (subjective rating), TST total sleep time, ↑ significant increase, ↔ no significant change, ↓ significant decrease (all p < 0.05)

aSleep pattern changes in successful athletes during competition reported only

bPSQI with poor sleep quality threshold >5 employed [66]

cComparisons made between successful and unsuccessful athletes during competition

dPSQI with poor sleep quality ≥5 employed

eCompetitive Sports, Sleep, and Dreams questionnaire employed [37]