ARF1-Q71L and ARF1-T31N Act Rapidly on Golgi Trafficking and FM4-64 Uptake but Slowly on PIN2 Localization.
(A) to (C) N-ST-YFP localization in transgenic lines carrying hspGV and UAS-ARF1-WT (A), ARF1-Q71L (B), or ARF1-T31N (C) after heat shock induction (37°C, 3 h).
(D) N-ST-YFP localization after BFA treatment (50 μM, 15 min).
(E) to (G) NAG-EGFP localization in transgenic lines carrying hspGV and UAS-ARF1-WT (E), ARF1-Q71L (F), or ARF1-T31N (G) after heat shock induction (37°C, 3 h).
(H) NAG-EGFP localization after BFA treatment (50 μM, 1 h).
(I) to (K) PIN2-EGFP localization in transgenic lines carrying hspGV and UAS-ARF1-WT (I), ARF1-Q71L (J), or ARF1-T31N (K) after heat shock induction (37°C, 5 h).
(L) PIN2-EGFP localization after BFA treatment (50 μM, 15 min).
(M) to (O) PIN2-EGFP localization in transgenic lines carrying hspGV and UAS-ARF1-WT (M), ARF1-Q71L (N), or ARF1-T31N (O) after heat shock induction (37°C, 2 h, then 22°C, 20 h).
(P) PIN2-EGFP localization after BFA treatment (50 μM, 30 min).
(Q) to (S) FM4-64 staining in transgenic lines carrying hspGV and UAS-ARF1-WT (Q), ARF1-Q71L (R), or ARF1-T31N (S) after heat shock induction (37°C, 3 h) and then incubation with FM4-64 (5 μM, 45 min).
(T) FM4-64 staining after BFA treatment (100 μM, 30 min) and then incubated with 100 μM BFA and 5 μM FM4-64 for 1.5 h.
(U) to (W) FM4-64 staining in transgenic lines carrying hspGV and UAS-ARF1-WT (U), ARF1-Q71L (V), or ARF1-T31N (W) after incubation with FM4-64 (5 μM, 45 min) and then heat shock induction (37°C, 3 h).
(X) FM4-64 staining after incubation with FM4-64 (5 μM, 30 min) and then with 100 μM BFA for 1 h.
Bars = 10 μm.