Figure 2.
Isolation and genetic characterization of an Arabidopsis mutant harboring a T-DNA insertion within the At2g37250 gene (Atpadk1). A, The mutant adk1-1, obtained by PCR screening of a T-DNA mutant collection (GABI-Kat), carries an insertion into the second exon of adk1. Arrows on T-DNA and exons II and III denote primer positions for T2 and T3 population screening. LB, Left border; RB, right border. Boxes numbered in Roman numerals denote the exons of the gene. B, Southern blot of genomic DNA from Arabidopsis genotypes digested with the indicated restriction enzymes (EI, EcoRI; BI, BamHI; and NI, NdeI). The membrane was hybridized with a probe spanning 500 bp of the left border of the T-DNA. Numbers on the left indicate molecular masses in kilobases.