Figure 3.
AtCUL3 proteins interact with AtRBX1 and can be modified by RUB1. A, In Y2H assays, AtRBX1 shows interaction with both AtCUL3 proteins. B, Interaction was confirmed for AtCUL3a by using purified GST or GST∷AtRBX1 protein in pull-down assays. Most outer lane shows 1 μL of in vitro translated AtCUL3a protein used for pull downs. C, Left half, GST∷RUB1 modification of AtCUL3a and AtCUL3b (indicated by arrows); right half, mutagenesis of a conserved Lys to Met at position 678 (AtCUL3K678M) resulted in loss of AtCUL3 modification by GST∷RUB1.