Figure 3.
SDPR expression was co-regulated with SDPR-AS overexpression or knockdown in RCC cell lines.
Notes: (A, B) The expression levels of SDPR-AS and SDPR were highest in the 769-P and lowest in the OS-RC-2 cell lines among the six RCC cell lines (*P<0.05). (C) After being transfected with pcDNA-SDPR-AS plasmid, SDPR-AS was overexpressed in the OS-RC-2 cell line, while the expression level of SDPR was apparently up-regulated (*P<0.05). (D) SDPR-AS expression was significantly decreased in the 769-P cell line transfected with SDPR-AS-si (*P<0.05).
Abbreviations: SDPR, serum deprivation response; SDPR-AS, antisense (AS) transcript of SDPR; NC, negative control; pc, plasmid complementary; HKC, renal tubular cell.