Fig. 4.
GABAA agonists evoke current and a GABAB agonist does not. (A) Muscimol (MUS) evokes bicuculline (BIC)-sensitive inward currents. Individual recordings are shown as gray lines and the averaged record as a black line. (n = 3 pinealocytes) (B) Baclofen (BAC) evokes no current and does not antagonize muscimol-induced current. (n = 5 pinealocytes) (C) GABAB antagonist CGP 55845 (CGP) evokes no current and does not antagonize GABA-induced current. (n = 5 pinealocytes) (D) and (E) comparison of mean GABA current densities without and with two concentrations of CGP 55845 measured as marked by filled circles in C. Bars show mean ± SEM. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01. Conditions for all panels: whole-cell recording; holding potential −100 mV; approximately equal chloride concentrations inside and outside. Age of rats: A, B, 10 weeks; C, D, E, 8 weeks.