Current-voltage relations of GABA-induced current with different Cl− concentration gradients across the membrane. (A) Whole-cell recording and nearly symmetrical high-Cl− concentrations (red), block by 40 μM bicuculline (BIC, blue), and final wash (green). (n = 4 pinealocytes). (B) Gramicidin perforated-patch recording to preserve intracellular Cl− levels. External solution is 169 mM Cl− (red, reversal potential Vrev = −37.8±1.0 mV) and changed to 20 mM Cl− (purple, Vrev = −12.4±2.0 mV). Chloride substitutes used are glutamate in pipette and gluconate in bath. (n = 5 pinealocytes). All currents shown are difference currents, with-GABA minus without-GABA or for the “wash” curve, final record minus initial baseline. Individual recordings are shown as pale lines and averaged records as heavy lines. Age of rats: A, 9 weeks; B, 10 weeks.