Temporal and frequency characteristics of the cycle dynamics. (A) Sample time-evolution courses for the enzymatic cycle signal and response molecular counts, Xt and , obtained by using exact numerical simulation of the reaction mechanism given in Expressions 7 and 8. (Inset) Forward enzyme, E+(t). (B) Spectral density, S(ω), of the process vs. frequency ω and 〈E+〉 (arbitrary scale). Cycle reaction parameters (Expression 7) are: E+(t = 0) = 20; X(t = 0) = 0; X* (t = 0) = 2,000; C+(t = 0) = 0; C-(t = 0) = 0; E-(t = 0) = 50; k+1 = 40; k+2 = 104; k+3 = 104; k-1 = 200; k-2 = 100; and k-3 = 5·103 given in terms of the number of molecules. Driver reaction (Expression 8) parameters: N(t = 0) = 10 with k21 = 10, k-21 = 5, k22 = 10, and k-22 = 0.2.