Fig. 1.
Botox A treatment causes PPF, whereas Botox F treatment does not. (A) Representative traces of untreated and Botox A-treated autaptic cultures in response to paired-pulse stimulation. (B) Paired-pulse data plotted as a ratio of the paired-pulse EPSC charge integrals. n = 5 for control; n = 9 for 60 pM Botox A. The mean PPR for the control was 0.97 ± 0.03 SEM and the mean PPR for the Botox A-treated culture was 1.4 ± 0.12 SEM. (C) Representative traces of autaptic cultures untreated and Botox F-treated in response to paired-pulse stimulation. (D) Paired-pulse data plotted as a ratio of the paired-pulse EPSC charge integrals. The mean PPR for the control was 0.90 ± 0.07 SEM, and the mean PPR for the Botox F-treated cultures was 0.80 ± 0.08 SEM. n = 10 for control and 60 pM Botox F.