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. 2017 Jun 28;37(26):6231–6241. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3203-16.2017

Table 1.

Imaging results

Gross anatomical region Volume (mm3) T MNI coordinates
Cytoarchitectonic region
x y z
Reading contrast
        Left inferior frontal gyrus 179,384 (5) 10.57 −50 12 24 BA 44
        Left precentral gyrus 179,384 (6) 9.87 −50 −6 52 BA 6
        Right inferior frontal gyrus 32,440 (1) 6.03 48 18 24 BA 44
        Right middle frontal gyrus 32,440 (2) 8.48 50 2 56 BA 6
        Left superior frontal gyrus 17,592 13.19 −6 8 56 BA 6/SMA
        Right inferior parietal lobule 12,608 8.94 32 −52 46 BA 7
        Left inferior parietal lobule 12,472 6.21 −34 −58 50 BA 7
        Left middle occipital gyrus 179,384 (1) 14.69 −36 −94 −4 hOC4v (V4)
        Left inferior occipital gyrus 179,384 (3) 11.98 −44 −60 −14 BA 37
        Right inferior occipital gyrus 118,064 (1) 12.25 42 −92 −2 hOC3v (V3v)
        Right inferior occipital gyrus 118,064 (3) 11.3 28 −94 −4 BA 18
        Left inferior temporal gyrus 179,384 (2) 13.14 −40 −46 −16 BA 37
        Left middle temporal gyrus 179,384 (4) 11.65 −54 −50 12 BA 21
        Right inferior temporal gyrus 118,064 (2) 12.56 44 −62 −12 BA 37
        Right middle temporal gyrus 118,064 (4) 9.99 54 −36 4 BA 22
        Right superior temporal gyrus 118,064 (6) 6.92 60 2 −14 BA 22
        Left temporal pole 179,384 (7) 9.33 −52 10 −20 BA 38
        Left middle temporal gyrus 179,384 (8) 8.99 −56 −6 −12 BA 22
    Insular regions
        Right insula lobe 2,552 6.15 34 24 4
        Right cerebellum 118,064 (5) 9.59 30 −70 −52 Lobule VIIb (Hem)
        Right cerebellum 118,064 (7) 6.37 30 −62 −26 Lobule VI (Hem)
        Left cerebellum 1,304 5.68 −30 −70 −52 Lobule VIIb (Hem)
    Other subcortical
        Left thalamus 840 4.55 −8 −16 12
Predictability contrast
        Left superior frontal gyrus 1,584 4.43 0 28 62 BA8/pre-SMA
        Left inferior frontal gyrus 1,592 4.14 −42 22 −10 BA47
        Right middle frontal gyrus 1,360 4.66 44 20 40 BA 9/46
        Left superior parietal lobule 1,600 4.04 −50 −58 56 BA 7
        Right cerebellum 1,072 4.19 28 −86 −48 Lobule VIIa Crus II (Hem)
    Other subcortical
        Right caudate nucleus 2,664 4.76 6 4 18

Data are cluster corrected (FWE-corrected alpha < 0.05: voxelwise p < 0.001, cluster size > 99 voxels). For clusters that encompass multiple peaks, the volume of the entire cluster is given, with the index of the subpeak in parentheses.