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. 2017 Jun 28;11:42. doi: 10.1186/s13033-017-0149-z
Difficulty staying awake during the day
Sleeping late in the mornings
Sleepy in the evening or at night
Difficulty getting off to sleep
Increased dreaming
Weight gain
Weight loss
Feeling sick
Over-wet or drooling mouth
Dry mouth
Risk of high blood sugar/diabetes
Risk of high cholesterol
Less sex drive
Difficulty getting an erection
Difficulty having an orgasm
Periods stopping
Periods irregular and not often
Increased sweating
Difficulty passing urine
Blurred vision
Difficulty remembering things
Slowing of movements
Stiff muscles
Muscle spasms
Parts of the body restless, seem to move by themselves (e.g. feet)
Small risk of abnormal movements
Shaking or tremor
Dizziness on standing up
Higher blood pressure
Sensitivity to sun
Noticing your heart beating fast (palpitations)
Small risk of heart problems