Figure 3. OFETs fabricated from the rrP3HT-b-rsP3HT and rrP3HT-b-PS fibres.
(a) Schematic illustration of the bottom-gate, bottom-contact OFET device (structures not drawn to scale; purple: semiconducting film; yellow: gold source/drain electrodes; light grey: dielectric SiO2 layer; dark grey: gate Si electrode). (b) AFM image of rrP3HT106-b-rsP3HT47 fibres (cast from 0.1 mg ml−1 anisole solution). Scale bar, 1 μm. The representative (c) output and (d) transfer characteristics of the OFET device of the unfragmented rP3HT106-b-rsP3HT47 fibres (Ln>10 μm) (IDS=drain-to-source current; VDS=drain-to-source bias; VGS=gate-to-source bias).