Fig. 6.
ERG responses of C57BL/6J mice treated with visual cycle modulators. MB compounds or vehicle was administered by oral gavage to 1.5- to 4-month-old C57BL/6J mice 24 hours prior to 10-minute light exposure followed by 6 hours of dark adaptation. Dark-adapted ERGs were obtained using strobe flash stimuli. (A) Representative ERGs obtained from mice treated with vehicle or an MB compound at the indicated dose. Flash strength is color-coded (black, −3.6 log cd s/m2; blue, −2.4 log cd s/m2; green, −1.2 log cd s/m2; purple, 0.0 log cd s/m2; red, 1.2 log cd s/m2). Red asterisks next to the a-waves for MB-005 and MB-006 indicate responses larger than those obtained from MB-001 or MB-004. Amplitudes of the major components of the ERG are shown in (B) (a-wave) and (C) (b-wave). Data points indicate average (± S.E.M.) from three to four mice per treatment group.