(A) The scores plot represents the RV144 (red) and VAX003 (blue) vaccine profile distribution for each vaccinee tested (dots) from the LASSO and PLSDA. Remarkably, as few as, 7 Ab features, listed on the loadings plot (B), separated the vaccine profiles with 100% calibration and 97% cross-validation accuracy. LV1 captured 61% of X variance and 72% of the Y variance. (C) LASSO and PLSDA of all 4 vaccine profiles identified 15 Ab features (D) able to discriminate between the distinct vaccine regimens (red, RV144; blue, VAX003; green, HVTN204; and yellow, IPCAVD001) with 84% cross validation accuracy. Together LV1 and LV2 captured 57% of the X variance and 45% of the Y variance, respectively. See also Tables S1 and S2.