Figure 7.
Simplified transcriptional networks of LNKs as corepressors in Arabidopsis phenylpropanoids biosynthesis. LNKs serve as transcriptional corepressors recruited to the promoters of target genes C4H and UGT79B1 (Pérez-García et al., 2015), via protein-protein interaction with the DNA binding MYB TFs MYB3 and RVE8. Both regions 1 and 2 (R1 and R2) of C termini of LNKs contribute to the interaction with the C termini of MYB3. The ENT domain of LNKs is required for its repression activity. Arrows indicate activation, T-shaped lines indicate inhibition, and broken lines indicate that this regulation was not reported to date. CT, C termini; MBS, MYB binding site; UGT79B1, anthocyanin 3-O-glucoside.