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. 2017 Jun 29;12(6):e0179825. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179825

Table 1. Characteristics of the study group (n = 3,556).

Variable unweighted weighted
n % n %
Degree of disability
mild degree 876 24.63 817 25.33
moderate degree 1364 38.36 1267 39.27
severe degree 914 25.70 783 22.02
not determined 402 11.30 359 11.13
female 1907 53.63 1646 51.02
male 1649 46.37 1580 48.98
16–24 years 119 3.35 147 4.14
25–34 years 169 4.76 247 7.67
35–44 years 191 5.38 204 6.33
45–59 years 992 27.93 927 26.10
60–64 years 614 17.29 492 15.27
65+ 1467 30.69 1204 25.19
Place of residence
rural 1516 42.66 1141 35.39
urban <20,000 485 13.65 419 13.00
urban 20,000–100,000 787 22.14 779 24.16
urban 100,000–200,00 234 6.58 250 7.75
urban 200,000–500,000 306 8.61 314 9.74
urban >500,000 226 6.36 321 9.96
Level of educationa
primary education 1137 32.07 953 29.65
lower secondary education 1167 32.92 1071 33.32
upper secondary education 878 24.77 831 25.86
post-secondary non-tertiary education or higher level 363 10.24 359 11.17
Occupational status
employee 345 9.74 405 12.60
self-employment or entrepreneur 28 0.88 26 0.81
farmer 26 0.73 21 0.65
retired or on disability pension 2740 77.38 2308 71.81
university or school student 67 1.89 91 2.83
unemployed 335 8.64 363 9.37
Marital status
married 2028 57.27 1656 51.54
unmarried 531 15.00 617 19.20
widower/widow 742 20.95 699 21.76
divorced or separated 240 6.78 241 7.50
Available source of income
not available 141 3.98 156 4.86
available 3399 96.02 3057 95.14
Net income
<1000 PLN 1178 33.13 1027 31.83
from 1000 to <1500 968 27.22 851 26.37
from 1500 to <2000 PLN 564 15.86 509 15.77
> = 2000 PLN 411 11.56 419 12.98
not provided 435 12.23 421 13.05
Hospital admission in last 12 months
no admissions 2681 76.53 2425 76.40
at least one admission 822 23.47 749 23.60
Use of health care services in last 12 months
no use 158 4.45 178 5.52
at least one episode of use 3393 95.55 3046 94.48
Mobile phone use
no 1049 29.66 858 26.73
yes 2488 70.34 2352 73.27
Internet use
no 2526 71.32 2151 66.95
yes 1016 28.68 1062 33.05

a education categories used in the survey were mapped to the levels distinguished in the ISCED classification from 2011 [41]