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. 2005 Feb 19;330(7488):396. doi: 10.1136/bmj.330.7488.396

Table 1.

Fatal and non-fatal suicide attempts in the analysed trials

No of trials* No of patients No of suicide attempts
All trials Trials that report Fatal Non-fatal Total
All trials Trials that report SSRI Control SSRI Control SSRI Control SSRI Control SSRI Control
SSRI v placebo 411 189 28 803 21 767 10 557 7856 4 3 23 6 27 9
SSRI v tricyclic antidepressants 220 115 12 740 11 609 6126 5401 5 4 29 31 34 35
SSRI v other 159 83 8856 9059 4130 4233 3 5 24 13 27 18

SSRI=selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.


Represents the number of comparisons, as some trials had more than one comparison arm.