Banff elementary lesions and clinical features correlate with dd-cfDNA level. The 107 samples (27 patients with 27 samples with active rejection; 75 patients with 80 samples with no active rejection) are rank-ordered and color-coded by dd-cfDNA level. White indicates the element was not associated with that biopsy/visit. For each sample (x axis), associated elements (y axis) are shown as a colored box, by the level of dd-cfDNA associated with the sample; highest dd-cfDNA in red, lowest in blue, with a vertical dashed line at the 1% cutoff. The significance (P value) of association of dd-cfDNA >1% with each element is shown. BM, (glomerular) basement membrane; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; DGF, delayed graft function; ENDATs, (gene expression profiles of) endothelial activation (and injury) transcripts; Inflam, inflammation; ptc, peritubular capillary.