Fig. 3.
Differences in bootstrap resampled microstructural diffusivities in symptomatic trigeminal nerve define likelihood of non-response after surgical treatment of TN.
Comparisons of bootstrapped (n = 2000) 85% confidence intervals of symptomatic nerve microstructural diffusivities of long-term responders (blue) and non-responders (red) to surgical treatment for TN at the pontine segment (A) and cisternal segment (B) revealed three thresholds of response at which ≤ 50% long-term responders and ≥ 85% non-responders were observed (threshold = vertical black bar). Grey gradient arrows indicate increasing likelihood of non-responsiveness to surgery.
Abbreviations: AD = axial diffusivity, RD = radial diffusivity, MD = mean diffusivity, FA = fractional anisotropy.