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. 2017 Apr 1;21(7):1791–1811. doi: 10.1007/s10461-017-1755-0

Table 1.

Description of trials included in the systematic review and meta-analyses

Authors Participants (% female) Intervention delivery setting/staff Intervention group description Control group description Length of follow-up
Intervention group/s Number of sessions Intervention function/s Control intervention Number of sessions
Abou-Saleh et al. [31] 95 HCV-ve PWID (26%) Outpatient drug treatment/treatment staff Enhanced prevention counselling (N = 43) 4 × 40–60 min sessions Education, enablement Simple educational counselling (N = 52) 1 × 10 min session 6 months post randomisation
Avants et al. [32] 220 PWID in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) (69%) MMT/clinician Standard care + harm reduction group (N = 108) 12 × 90 min weekly group sessions Education, enablement, training Standard care + single HIV risk reduction session (N = 112) 1 × 2 h session Post intervention
Bertrand et al. [33] 219 PWID that shared drugs or injection equipment (18%) Not specified/researcher Motivational intervention (MI) (N = 111) 1 session Enablement, persuasion Education Intervention (N = 108) 1 × 30–45 min 6 months post randomisation
Booth et al. [17] 632 PWID (24%) Residential detoxification/interventionist Treatment as usual (TAU) + HIV/HCV counselling and education (C&E) (N = 212)
TAU + intervention to facilitate treatment entry (N = 209)
2 individual sessions individual session Education, enablement, training TAU: HIV/HCV risk assessment screening and referral for testing and counselling (N = 211) HIV/HCV risk assessment screening and referral for testing and counselling 6 months post randomisation
Dushay et al. [34] 669 drug users [64% injecting] (27%) Not reported Ethnic cultural enhanced intervention (n = 453) 5 sessions Education, enablement, training AIDS video educational programme (N = 216) 2 video sessions 5–10 months post randomisation (20% interviewed 12 months post randomisation)
El-Bassell et al. [35] 282 HIV-negative drug-using couples (16% PWID) (50%) Not reported/trained facilitator Couple-based risk reduction (n = 190)
Individual-based HIV risk reduction delivered to male or female drug using partner (n = 183)
7 sessions Enablement, training Couple-based wellness promotion (n = 190) 7 sessions 12 months post randomisation
Gagnon et al. [37] 260 PWID (31%) Needle exchange/computerised intervention Standard intervention (needle exchanges, psychosocial support and social and health service referrals) + computer-tailored messages (N = 130) 4 sessions Education, enablement, modelling, persuasion standard intervention (N = 130) 4 weeks 3 months post intervention
Garfein et al. [38], Purcell et al. [47], Mackesy-Amiti et al. [42, 60, 61] 654 HIV-ve and HCV-ve PWID (34%) Not reported/trained facilitators Peer education (N = 431) 6 sessions Education, enablement, training Video discussion (N = 423) 6 sessions 6 months post intervention
Gilbert et al. [22] 40 HIV-ve couples who inject drugs (50%) Needle exchange/facilitators Couple based HIV risk reduction (20 couples) 3 single-gender group sessions + couple session Education, modelling, training Wellness promotion condition (20 couples) 4 group sessions 3 months post intervention
Go et al. [59] 419 index HIV-ve PWID (0%) Not reported Peer network-oriented (N = 210) 6 sessions + 3 booster sessions Education, enablement, training TAU + HIV pamphlet (N = 209) n/a 12 months post intervention
Go et al. [30] 455 HIV + ve PWID (0%) Community intervention education sessions delivered by a trained community mobilizer; Individual HIV knowledge and skill-building group sessions conducted by two facilitators Individual level
HIV testing and counselling, plus 2 individual post-test counselling sessions, 2 small group sessions (HIV knowledge and skill-building) + optional dyad session
(N = 95)
Community and individual level
Community-wide programme consisting of a 2-part video and a series of 6 HIV education sessions (N = 132)
4 individual sessions + 2 group sessions + optional dyad session
2-part video and a series of 6 HIV education sessions
Education, enablement, training education Individual level
HIV testing and counselling
(N = 89)
Community level
Standard messages on HIV through village weekly public loudspeakers and educational pamphlets already being provided by community health stations (N = 139)
2 sessions 24 months post randomisation
Hoffman [23] 432 PWID (33%) Research centre/facilitators Psychological-communicative behavioral training
Peer educator (N = 99)
Network members (N = 127)
7 group + 1 individual session + 4 booster meetings Education, modelling, persuasion, training Group sessions devoted to areas of interest (N = 92)
Network members (N = 114)
8 sessions 24 months post randomisation
Latka et al. [41], Kapadia et al. [58] 418 HCV + ve PWID (24%) 3 research sites/facilitators Peer-mentoring behavioural intervention (N = 222) 6 sessions Education, training Video-discussion (N = 196) 6 sessions 6 months post intervention
Latkin et al. [21] 250 [47% PWID] (39%) Clinic/indigenous para-professional facilitators Small-group which encouraged peer outreach (N = 81) 10 group sessions Enablement, education, training Equal-attention control condition (N = 36) 10 sessions 6 months post intervention
Latkin et al. [18, 57] 414 networks with 1123 HIV-ve participants [91% PWID (3% in Thailand; 20% in US) Not reported/facilitator HIV counselling and testing (C&T) + group peer-education (N = 204 networks) 2 individual + 6 group + 2 booster sessions Education, enablement, persuasion, training HIV C&T (N = 210 networks) 2 sessions Up to 30 months (24 in Thailand) post randomisation
Margolin et al. [43] 90 PWID HIV + ve entering MMT (30%) MMT/counsellor Enhanced-MMT (E-MMP) (6 months of daily methadone and weekly individual substance abuse counseling and case management) + HIV Harm Reduction Program (N = 45) 6-sessions Enablement, persuasion, training Enhanced-MMT (E-MMP) + active control that included harm reduction components (N = 45) 6 sessions 9 months post randomisation
McMahon et al. [44, 45] 330 HIV-ve drug users [48% PWID] (100%) and male partners Field office/interventionist (1) Couple-Based HIV C&T (N = 110) [43% PWID]
(2) Women only relationship-focused HIV C&T (N = 104) [51% PWID]
2 sessions
2 sessions
Education, enablement HIV C&T (N = 116) [51% PWID] 2 sessions 9 months post intervention
Otiashvili et al. [46] 40 drug users [98% PWID] (0%) and drug-free female partners Research unit/counsellor MI for drug user and couple, contingency management + naltrexone (n = 20). Female partners invited to attend couples counselling 22 sessions Enablement, incentivisation Education sessions. Referrals drug treatment (n = 20) 22 sessions 6 months post intervention
Purcell et al. [47, 56] 966 HIV +ve PWID (36%) Not reported/peers Peer mentoring intervention (N = 486) 10 sessions (7 group; 2 individual; 1 ‘peer activity’) Education, enablement, training Video discussion (N = 480) 8 sessions 12 months post intervention
Robles et al. [48] 557 PWID (4%) Assessment facility or drug treatment/nurse HIV/AIDS risk intervention + counselling + case management (N = 285) 2 sessions
6 sessions
Education, Enablement, training HIV/AIDS risk intervention (N = 272) 2 sessions 6 months post randomisation
Rotheram-Borus et al. [49] and Hershberger et al. [40] 1116 drug users [65% PWID] (33%) Field office/counsellors/outreach workers HIV C&T + HIV prevention programme (group skills focused workshops, individual counselling, outreach/social events)
(N = 558; 359 PWID)
2 HIV C&T sessions + 5 sessions (2 group, 1 individual +≥2 structured outreach) Enablement, training HIV C&T (N = 559; 364 PWID) 2 sessions 9 months post randomisation
Samet et al. [50] 700 HIV + ve with risky sex and heavy alcohol consumption [60% PWID] (41%) Hospital setting/peers Healthy relationships intervention (n = 350; 212 PWID) 2 individual + 3 small group sessions Education, enablement, modelling, training Attention control (n = 350; 211 PWID) 2 individual + 3 group sessions 12 months post randomisation
Schroeder et al. [20] and Epstein et al. [36] 81 drug users [96% PWID] (52%) Research clinic/counsellor MMT + individual counselling followed by 12 weeks of intervention condition, followed by a 12-week standard treatment
(1) weekly CBT + contingent vouchers (CM) (N = 16)
(2) weekly CBT + noncontingent vouchers (N = 19)
(3) CM plus weekly group therapy (N = 22)
29 weeks (methadone + 5 weekly individual counselling, 12 weeks of intervention, followed by 12 weeks standard treatment Education, Enablement, Incentivisation
Modelling, training
Standard dose of methadone (70–80 mg/day) + + weekly individual counselling (5 weeks) followed by 12 weeks of control condition, followed by a 12-week standard treatment
Group therapy + non-contingent vouchers (N = 24)
29 weeks (methadone + 5 weekly individual counselling, 12 weeks of intervention, followed by 12 weeks standard treatment Post intervention
Stein et al. [51] 109 PWID who drink hazardously (38%) Research site/social worker Referrals for substance use and medical treatment + brief MI (N = 60) 2 sessions Enablement Referrals for substance abuse and medical treatment provided (N = 49) n/a 6 months post randomisation
Stein et al. [52] 109 PWID (36%) Outpatient academic research office/Clinical Psychologist CBT + pharmacotherapy for depression (N = 53) 8 CBT sessions + 3 pharmacotherapy visits Education, Enablement, Training Assessment (N = 56) Assessment visit 9 months post randomisation
Stein et al. [53] 277 HCV-ve drug users [28% PWID] (37%) Not stated/interventionist MI (N = 140) 4 sessions Education, enablement, persuasion Leaflet about local resources (N = 137) n/a 24 months post randomisation
Sterk et al. [29] 68 HIV-ve PWID (100%) Health intervention project house/interventionists Enhanced MI (EMI) (N = 20)
Enhanced negotiation intervention (ENI) (N = 21)
4 sessions
4 sessions
Education, enablement, training NIDA standard intervention (N = 27) 2 sessions 6-months (not clear if post intervention or post randomisation)
Strathdee et al. [26] and Vera et al. [55] 584 Sex workers who inject drugs (100%) Not reported/counsellors Interactive injection risk and didactic sexual risk intervention (N = 146)
Interactive sexual risk and didactic injection risk intervention (N = 148)
Interactive Injection and Sexual Risk Intervention) (N = 146)
1 session
1 session
1 session
Education, enablement, modelling, persuasion, training Didactic injection and sexual risk intervention (N = 144) 1 × 60 min session 12 months post randomisation
Tobin et al. [25] 227 PWID (45%) Research clinic/not reported Peer educator intervention (N = 114) 7 sessions (5 group + 1 individual + 1 with participant and enrolled Risk Network Members) Education, enablement, training Group information (N = 113) 5 sessions 18 months post intervention
Tucker et al. [54] 145 PWID (26%) Out-patient clinical and research organization/clinical researcher Tailored brief behavioural intervention (N = 73) 1 session Education, enablement HCV educational leaflet (N = 72) n/a 1 month post randomisation
Wechsberg et al. [24] 100 PWID (100%) Inpatient detoxification/psychologist Woman-focused Intervention (N = 51) 2 sessions Education, enablement, training Nutrition intervention (N = 49) 2 sessions 3 months post randomisation
Zule et al. [19] 851 PWID (27%) Not reported/lay community members HCV risk reduction MI (n = 423) 6 sessions Education, enablement, modelling, persuasion Video HCV educational intervention (n = 428) 6 sessions 12 months post randomisation
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