Figure 5.
Dmc1 can stabilize triplets bearing abasic sites. A, schematic illustration of dsDNA substrates bearing single abasic sites within the penultimate triplet at the 3′ end of a 15-nt tract of microhomology. Open magenta boxes signify the locations of the abasic sites. Corresponding to binding data for RecA (B), Rad51 (C), and Dmc1 (D) are as indicated. Green, blue, and purple dashed lines correspond to the averaged binding stability for data obtained from the non-mismatched 9-nt substrates; the 12–14-nt substrates; and 15-nt substrates, respectively, reflecting steps 1–3 in A. E, schematic illustration of dsDNA substrates bearing single abasic sites within the penultimate triplet at the 3′ end of a 15-nt tract of microhomology. Open magenta boxes signify the locations of the abasic sites. Corresponding binding data for RecA (F), Rad51 (G), and Dmc1 (H) are as indicated. Green, blue, and purple dashed lines correspond the averaged binding stability for data obtained from the non-mismatched 9–11-nt substrates; the 12–14-nt substrates; and 15-nt substrates, respectively, reflecting steps 1–3 in A.