Figure 4. Somatosensory Cortex Is Required for Updating Motor Commands during Adaptation but Not for the Expression of the Adapted Motor Command.
(A) Task structure. During the perturbation block (trials 76–175), photoinhibition was applied only in the second half of trials (126–175).
(B) Model prediction. The best-fit parameters from the control data (Figure 3D) were used. At trial 126, SPE was clamped to zero (cyan) or the perturbation estimate, ( ) was set to zero (dark blue).
(C) Session average from position 2, showing adaptation up to trial 125 (Mann-Whitney U test, trials 76–85 versus trials 116–125, p = 0.01).
(D) Top: average perpendicular displacement plotted per session of trials 120–125 versus 126–131 (Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.24). Bottom: by session displacement value for trials early perturbation (Pe, trials 75–80), 124, 125, 126, 127, and late perturbation (Pl, trials 170–175) showing there is no systematic drop from trial 125 to trial 126 (paired t test p = 0.82).
(E) Perpendicular displacement across blocks in position bin 1 (spatially above force onset).
(F) Top: average perpendicular displacement of trials 120–125 versus 126–131. Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.05. Bottom: same as in (D), showing there is no systematic drop from trial 125 to trial 126 (paired t test, p = 0.73).