Summary of gatifloxacin pharmacokinetics following a 10-mg/kg dose of suspension and tablet formulations to children 6 to 16 years of agea
Formulation | Mean (% CV) age (yr) [n] | Geometric mean (% CV) AUC (μg · h/ml) [n] | Geometric mean (% CV) Cmax (μg/ml) [n] | Median (% CV) Tmax (h) [n] | Mean (% CV) CLT/F (ml/min/kg) [n] | Mean (% CV) % UR [n] |
Suspension | 11.0 (30) [16] | 38.6 (34) [16] | 3.76 (21) [16] | 3.0 (52) [16] | 4.52 (32) [16] | 69 (27) [12] |
Tablet | 12.2 (28) [12] | 43.7 (24) [12] | 5.29 (22) [12] | 1.3 (64) [12] | 3.88 (25) [12] | 68 (15) [6] |
CV, coefficient of variation; % UR is the percentage of the dose recovered in urine.