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. 2017 May 31;3(6):586–597. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.7b00115

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Diffusing wave spectroscopy monitoring the mean squared displacement, ⟨Δr2(t)⟩, of particles embedded in 1 wt % MAX1 (◇), DMAX1 (●), and 1:1 MAX1/DMAX1 (□) hydrogels (N = 3) (A) (B) Corresponding storage, G′ (closed symbols) and loss, G″ (open symbols) moduli of 1 wt % MAX1 (green), DMAX1 (purple) and 1:1 MAX1/DMAX1 hydrogels (blue) obtained from DWS measurements. Nonlinear fit with logarithmic slope of 3/4 of early time regime in (A) and high frequency regime in (B) is indicated by colored lines. Loss moduli, G″, at high frequencies are fit to calculate persistence length. In panel C, the persistence length and G′ are coplotted against the mole fraction of DMAX1 used in the gel formulation (N = 3). Line is included to guide the eye.